Are you ready to be noticed and hired?

Be like Gary Vaynerchuk, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson.

They got there because of personal branding and hard work. They know exactly who they are and they go ALL-IN. 

Think of LinkedIn as a giant networking conference. You walk into the room and sit alone on a chair, feeling lost and being invisible (no personal branding) OR you walk into the room confidently, go to the bar and start talking to someone – you are visible, you are heard and THIS is personal branding.

With less than 3% of members posting content YOUR personal brand can be seen very quickly. You can attract opportunities and accelerate your visibility fast!

Do these define you?

You are aiming hard towards getting your ideal job but don’t hear back after applying.

You are eager to do everything to make the employer say YES to you but they don’t make the offer.

You desire more visibility but you don’t know how to start on LinkedIn.

You want more authority in your field but are unsure how to get that.

You are a leader but not seen and this is effecting your confidence.

You require a larger, engaged network but can’t find the right people.

You want more opportunities but don’t know how to search for them.

You need a new job but can’t find the right fit.

You aspire to be an influencer but don’t know how to grow organically.

You hope to establish your own business but you need a strong profile that attracts client.

You want to learn about personal branding but not sure where to start.

You don't know how and where to get started but you know that now is the time.

You think it is hard to start but you know that this is the future of connecting and converting.

You think it is too late to learn and grow but in order to make massive impact you want to do this.

Did you know that 3 people are hired every single minute through LinkedIn.
And what does that mean?


People that are being hired through LinkedIn includes health professionals, corporate roles, coaches, consultants, writers, designers, scientists, education professionals, contractors, advisors – almost any paid work can be secured there.

Some of my clients have been hired as personal trainers, heads of departments, social media managers, recruiters, paid speakers and collaborated with global brands – ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR STRONG LINKEDIN PERSONAL BRANDING.

If you have never been on LinkedIn, NOW is the time.
If you are there but unsure how to grow and be seen, I tell you,

Do these define you?

You are aiming hard towards getting your ideal job but don’t hear back after applying.

You are eager to do everything to make the employer say YES to you but they don’t make the offer.

You desire more visibility but you don’t know how to start on LinkedIn.

You want more authority in your field but are unsure how to get that.

You are a leader but not seen and this is effecting your confidence.

You require a larger, engaged network but can’t find the right people.

You want more opportunities but don’t know how to search for them.

You need a new job but can’t find the right fit.

You aspire to be an influencer but don’t know how to grow organically.

You hope to establish your own business but you need a strong profile that attracts client.

You want to learn about personal branding but not sure where to start.

You don't know how and where to get started but you know that now is the time.

You think it is hard to start but you know that this is the future of connecting and converting.

You think it is too late to learn and grow but in order to make massive impact you want to do this.

Did you know that 3 people are hired every single minute through LinkedIn.
And what does that mean?


People that are being hired through LinkedIn includes health professionals, corporate roles, coaches, consultants, writers, designers, scientists, education professionals, contractors, advisors – almost any paid work can be secured there.

Some of my clients have been hired as personal trainers, heads of departments, social media managers, recruiters, paid speakers and collaborated with global brands – ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR STRONG PERSONAL BRANDING ON LINKEDIN.

If you have never been on LinkedIn, NOW is the time.
If you are there but unsure how to grow and be seen, I tell you,

1 year ago, I had dipped in and out of LinkedIn for a few years with around 2,000 connections.
I was employed in a very good job and enjoyed occasionally posting and networking.

Then, my corporate role was made redundant. 
Only 4 months after I bought a house! Panic set in and all social channels were too noisy – except LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is sea of opportunity.

When I leaned into my own personal branding on LinkedIn I had clients messaging me, for my services DAILY. 
I now have 10,000 followers (organic, no fake pods), 90% of my business is inbound and referral based from there and I’ve had many opportunities from networking there (published author, executive coaching, several speaking events, private clients and more).
Several posts went viral with millions of views and thousands of comments, generating more inbound business.

By Christmas of 2020, my business officially launched, we are in profit and continuing to grow. Now I want to help people like you achieve this and so much more.

But before I reached where I am now,
I was also on the same boat with you...

What if it doesn't have to be hard?

What if finding your next role or clients doesn’t have to be hard.?
In fact, what if you get inbound connection requests and enquiries into YOUR inbox? This happens to me every week! 

My latest being a speaking invitation to a global business conference – 12 months ago I never imagined this would be possible. I thought life as ‘capped’ that we reached certain limits.

We are in fact, limitless – everything you want is available on the other side of action. Finding a job gets to be easy, attracting ideal clients gets to be fun and in the process, you step into your power and personal brand growth and impact.

If this resonates with you,


If this resonates with you,


Hey there, I'm Kayleigh

I know we don’t know each other and you may be thinking can I trust this person, is she going to really help me?

Building trust online is so important – like you, I also do my due diligence before buying something. My life coach is from California, I met her online too.

Please feel free to check out my website for testimonials, I have a bunch on Trustpilot, dozens of 5 star Google Reviews and my own LinkedIN profile has 60+ recommendations too.

I am a ‘normal person’ from the North of the UK who never went to University; I was not born into wealth or riches. I made £3.25 an hour at my first job when I was 16 and my first car was £800 – I saved almost a year for that!

Today I am a Mum of one active boy, I am a very busy person – besides taking care of the home and our 2 dogs, I weight train 3-4 times each week, I write CV’s, LinkedIN Profiles and facilitate workshops with retailers on personal branding, customer service & leadership.
I am a regular speaker with a firm in Abu Dhabi and continue to group coach jobseekers on interview impact through personal branding and mindset work.

My ultimate goal is to build my own foundation that helps parents get back into work after a crisis (bereavement, divorce, escaping domestic violence, asylum…).

If you have read this far, thank you!

I hope to see you in the course and look forward to supporting you on LinkedIn!

Hey there, 
I'm Kayleigh

I know we don’t know each other and you may be thinking can I trust this person, is she going to really help me?

Building trust online is so important – like you, I also do my due diligence before buying something. My life coach is from California, I met her online too.

Please feel free to check out my website for testimonials, I have a bunch on Trustpilot, dozens of 5 star Google Reviews and my own LinkedIN profile has 60+ recommendations too.

I am a ‘normal person’ from the North of the UK who never went to University; I was not born into wealth or riches. I made £3.25 an hour at my first job when I was 16 and my first car was £800 – I saved almost a year for that!

Today I am a Mum of one active boy, I am a very busy person – besides taking care of the home and our 2 dogs, I weight train 3-4 times each week, I write CV’s, LinkedIN Profiles and facilitate workshops with retailers on personal branding, customer service & leadership.
I am a regular speaker with a firm in Abu Dhabi and continue to group coach jobseekers on interview impact through personal branding and mindset work.

My ultimate goal is to build my own foundation that helps parents get back into work after a crisis (bereavement, divorce, escaping domestic violence, asylum…).

If you have read this far, thank you!

I hope to see you in the course and look forward to supporting you on LinkedIn!

Here's What You'll Get


Learning on Linkedin

  • LinkedIN Mythbusters
  • ​Free vs Paid Profile
  • ​Public Profile
  • ​Impact & Influence
  • ​Individual Member vs Business Page
  • ​User analysis
  • ​Leverage a strong network to find work
  • ​How to set-up your profile – from the very first steps
  • ​2 strategies to create your optimized headline
  • ​Step-by-step About Section to captivate your profile visitor
  • ​How to serve your profile visitor
  • ​Evoking emotion & storytelling
  • ​Stepping into your power
  • ​Powerful Photo & editing tool
  • ​Learn about free advertising through your banner
  • ​Writing for your audience/profile visitor
  • ​Personalising your URL to stand out
  • ​How to optimise your profile to be found in the search results
  • ​Comments are content – be seen
  • ​Overview of Recommendations


Growing on Linkedin

  • LinkedIN Mythbusters
  • ​Growing your presence
  • ​How to organically build your network
  • ​Network Strategy & Consistency
  • ​Learn the 3 degrees of networking
  • ​Learn the 7 post types
  • ​500 first degree connection = better algorithm
  • ​Connect vs Followers
  • ​Newsfeed
  • ​Search Bar Hacks
  • ​Meaningful Comments to Grow your brand
  • ​Job Alert Mode
  • ​How to view number of applicants applied
  • ​Hashtag strategy to reach more people with your content
  • ​View Connection activity/posts to engage further
  • ​Personalized invitation scripts; 8 times more likely to be accepted
  • ​Navigating LinkedIn features
  • ​Emoji hacks to increase your algorithm
  • ​Golden Hour Hacks – to increase awareness of your brand
  • ​Notification centre
  • ​Inbox management


Succeeding on Linkedin

  • Optimize your featured section
  • ​Creator mode
  • ​Data – learn your SSI score (Social Selling Index) to see how strong your brand is
  • ​Job searching hacks
  • ​Free Events
  • ​LinkedIn Learning & Courses
  • ​Audio Feature to enhance your branding
  • ​Story Feature; find the viewers to connect & network
  • ​Hashtag strategy
  • ​Latest Features
  • ​Algorithm hacks
  • ​Native Content vs Sharing Posts
  • ​Shield analytics to assess your entire profile 
  • ​Strengthen your profile with recommendations 
  • ​Endorsement best practice
  • ​…and so much more!
PERSONAL BRANDING ON LINKEDIN will give you all the raw truths, golden tips and examples. 
When you apply this new knowledge WOW, there is no limit!
For less the price of a pair of shoes you can leverage your personal brand, 
connect with decision makers, get clients, get paid and build a sustainable personal brand that positively impacts the world.

Here's What You'll Get


Learning on Linkedin

  • LinkedIN Mythbusters
  • ​Free vs Paid Profile
  • ​Public Profile
  • ​Impact & Influence
  • ​Individual Member vs Business Page
  • ​User analysis
  • ​Leverage a strong network to find work
  • ​How to set-up your profile – from the very first steps
  • ​2 strategies to create your optimized headline
  • ​Step-by-step About Section to captivate your profile visitor
  • ​How to serve your profile visitor
  • ​Evoking emotion & storytelling
  • ​Stepping into your power
  • ​Powerful Photo & editing tool
  • ​Learn about free advertising through your banner
  • ​Writing for your audience/profile visitor
  • ​Personalising your URL to stand out
  • ​How to optimise your profile to be found in the search results
  • ​Comments are content – be seen
  • ​Overview of Recommendations


Growing on Linkedin

  • LinkedIN Mythbusters
  • ​Growing your presence
  • ​How to organically build your network
  • ​Network Strategy & Consistency
  • ​Learn the 3 degrees of networking
  • ​Learn the 7 post types
  • ​500 first degree connection = better algorithm
  • ​Connect vs Followers
  • ​Newsfeed
  • ​Search Bar Hacks
  • ​Meaningful Comments to Grow your brand
  • ​Job Alert Mode
  • ​How to view number of applicants applied
  • ​Hashtag strategy to reach more people with your content
  • ​View Connection activity/posts to engage further
  • ​Personalized invitation scripts; 8 times more likely to be accepted
  • ​Navigating LinkedIn features
  • ​Emoji hacks to increase your algorithm
  • ​Golden Hour Hacks – to increase awareness of your brand
  • ​Notification centre
  • ​Inbox management


Succeeding on Linkedin

  • Optimize your featured section
  • ​Creator mode
  • ​Data – learn your SSI score (Social Selling Index) to see how strong your brand is
  • ​Job searching hacks
  • ​Free Events
  • ​LinkedIn Learning & Courses
  • ​Audio Feature to enhance your branding
  • ​Story Feature; find the viewers to connect & network
  • ​Hashtag strategy
  • ​Latest Features
  • ​Algorithm hacks
  • ​Native Content vs Sharing Posts
  • ​Shield analytics to assess your entire profile 
  • ​Strengthen your profile with recommendations 
  • ​Endorsement best practice
  • ​…and so much more!
PERSONAL BRANDING ON LINKEDIN will give you all the raw truths, golden tips and examples. 
When you apply this new knowledge WOW, there is no limit!
For less the price of a pair of shoes you can leverage your personal brand, 
connect with decision makers, get clients, get paid and build a sustainable personal brand that positively impacts the world.


Grab this limited offer now for only £97

Summary of what you will be getting:

  • MODULE 1 - Learning on LinkedIn -------------------------------------------------- valued at £97
  • MODULE 2 - Growing on LinkedIn -------------------------------------------------- valued at £97
  • ​MODULE 3 - Succeeding on LinkedIn ---------------------------------------------- valued at £97
  • ​WORKBOOK 1 - Learning on LinkedIn --------------------------------------------- valued at £97
  • ​WORKBOOK 2 - Growing on LinkedIn --------------------------------------------- valued at £97
  • WORKBOOK 3 - Succeeding on LinkedIn ------------------------------------------ valued at £97
  • ​SURGERY CALLS - Weekly Q&A with me ----------------------------------------- valued at £147

Total Value: £729

Regular Price: £379

Today's Price: £97

  • MODULE 1 - Learning on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • MODULE 2 - Growing on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • ​MODULE 3 - Succeeding on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • ​WORKBOOK 1 - Learning on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • ​WORKBOOK 2 - Growing on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • WORKBOOK 3 - Succeeding on LinkedIn valued at £97
  • ​SURGERY CALLS - Weekly Q&A with me valued at £147

Total Value: £729

Regular Price: £379

Today's Price: £97

My Own and My Clients' Successes

My Own and My Clients' Successes

Waste no more time. 

Being here is a sign to get started.

The first step is the hardest, in anything new. I know. Fear, imposter syndrome, doubt – I’ve been there too. Scared to show up and put myself out there. But then I realised, hold on…no-one is coming to save me or do the work for me. This life is mine to define. Let’s take radical responsibility for our life and take massive action to achieve our goals! I’d rather try something and know the outcome than not try at all and look back with regret. No-one wants that. Jump in, go for it!



Waste no more time. 

Being here is a sign to get started.

The first step is the hardest, in anything new. I know. Fear, imposter syndrome, doubt – I’ve been there too. Scared to show up and put myself out there. But then I realised, hold on…no-one is coming to save me or do the work for me. This life is mine to define. Let’s take radical responsibility for our life and take massive action to achieve our goals! I’d rather try something and know the outcome than not try at all and look back with regret. No-one wants that. Jump in, go for it!



The International Retail Academy